If you are like sans, you are probably using puppet and publishing your modules so others can reuse them, too.
At some point, you need to include private data, like passwords into your configuration.
How to cleanly add private stuff with git
We are using git here to manage our puppet-modules and exported most of them to git-submodules.
Create a fresh submodule
So first of all, I create a new submodule containing the private data:
% mkdir ethz_systems_private
% cd ethz_systems_private
# add the private stuff
% git init && git add . && git commit -m "init"
Publish the private module to a private location
I will push the module to the same location as usual, but tell git-daemon and gitweb not to show it (I am doing this here by removing the file git-daemon-export-ok, which is configured in gitweb and git-daemon):
% git remote add origin
% git push origin master
Add the submodule in a private branch
In our main repository, which contains the information to the git-submodules, I have been working in the master branch up to today. As I don't want others who clone our public repo to recognise they are missing data, I'll create a new branch called private and add our private submodule there:
% git checkout -b private
% git submodule add modules/ethz_systems_private
% git commit -a -m "Add private submodule ethz_systems_private"
% git push origin private
This submodule is added differently than usual, it is accessed via ssh instead of using the git protocol we usually use:
Use the new branch on the puppetmaster
On the puppetmaster we essentially use the script, that contains only one line:
git pull && git submodule sync && git submodule update --init
This time, I manually fetch and change to the private branch and make sure the private branch works smoothly:
# git fetch
# git checkout -b private origin/private
# sh meta/
The last line fails, as root on cannot login to, as there has not been any publickey generated for root, which can easily be fixed:
# ssh-keygen
# cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
And finally, the also works!
How to use the new private branch
It is important to remember that the private branch will never be merged into the master branch, because otherwise people cloning our main repo will see a broken submodule reference.
As the puppetmaster always wants to include the private modules, we keep the checkout there running the private branch and only pulling from the remote private branch.
As all our public changes will still be made within the master branch, I created the following script to handle automatic propagation of changes from the master branch to the private branch:
% git checkout master
% cat meta/
set -e
git checkout private
git merge master
git push origin master private
git checkout master
The last command currently throws the error
warning: unable to rmdir modules/ethz_systems_private: Directory not empty
which seems to be a weiredness of git-submodules I have to figure out how to solve.
Updating the private branch
Whenever there's a need to change something in the private branch (probably seldom, as this happens only when new private submodules are added), it can be done like this:
% git checkout private
% git merge master
# *hack* *eat pizza* *hack*
% git add fancy-changes
% git commit -m "more private stuff"
% git push origin private
% git checkout master
Further information
The described repos and scripts can be found via sans' puppet project, besides the private module...
Update #1
I switched over to use cdist instead of Puppet.